Mar 17, 2010

Overall blog

With lots of challenging days and news experiences, so miracle I think, I had successfully learnt so many new things in just one semester and had completed this ICT in Science Education (TSP 6033) course dramatically. I still remember my first day of entering this class, I felt so inspired and happy to begin this new course because I will get a great and valuable chance to learn about ICT better, especially in the context of teaching and learning. And yes, it is worthy experiences that I never had. The most challenging and the best thing ever in this course was developing my own e-portfolio through the blog. I am not familiar with blogging thus it was quite hard for me at first, but by browsing others blogs, at least I got some idea on how my e-portfolio is going to be. Alhamdulillah, at last, I am able to create my own e-portfolio with my own effort! So here is my reflection on overall blog development. Click here to view the reflection. Thank you.